PowerApps SharePoint Images - Storing and viewing

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Author: Warren Belz

In this blog, I have tried to put together the various options for storing and viewing images in Power Apps, using SharePoint as a data source. How you will do it in your app will depend on your business needs and the way you want your users to interact with these images.

To summarise the options, I will be covering three types of images

  • Captured by the device camera using a Camera control
  • Uploaded into a Add Picture control
  • Drawn using a Pen Input

There are then three options for storing these images

  • An Attachment to the item
  • Stored in a SharePoint Library
  • Written to a Multi-line Text field

Preparing the Image

So let’s get started and look at the basic structure of an image that is contained in one of these categories. Before an image can be stored, it must be “prepared” into a format called Base64 Text for its journey to the destination. This is done with a Power Apps function called JSON, which converts the image into a large text string.

Starting with the “preparation” of the image, I will deal firstly with the Camera and the Add Picture controls as the syntax is identical. The difference however is how the data is referred to. For the camera I will use the common method that allows for the previewing of the picture before saving it. On the OnSelect of the Camera control, you would have something like: -


photo in a Collection called colPhoto and your Image control Image property to review it would be


If you are using the camera, there is a simpler way of storing using dataUriToBinary, which is below (not requiring JSON). Your Flow run would in this example be

      YourFileNameBox.Text & ".jpg",

and your Flow would look something like this

Please note the detailed six-step process further down, particularly the construction of the expression.

However if you are using other methods (uploaded picture, pen input and it also works for the camera), you need to convert this to Base64 and this is done with JSON code. 

To de-mystify the below code a bit, the With() statements are no more than temporary variables that run in the statement and are there in this case simply to avoid a lot of repetitive code entry. When JSON text conversion is done, it needs to be dissected further to extract only the Base64 Text. Essentially the resulting text string is enclosed in quotes “” at the beginning and end and contains a “header” ending with a comma, so what is ultimately extracted is everything after the comma except the last character.

In the Flow a conversion needs to be made using base64ToBinary, allowing the text to be converted into a format compatible with image storage. This is done using the Expression facility in the Flow. Although I will not be covering this in detail here, the process involves first registering an “Ask in Power Apps” in the relevant field then putting in the expression shown to replace this.

Save in SharePoint Library

Below is a code and the accompanying Flow of what is required to create an image as a file in a SharePoint Library.

            ) + 1,
            Len(vJSONI) - 
            ) - 1
      YourFileNameBox.Text & ".jpg",

Now the accompanying Flow to make this easier to understand. When filed in a Library, it is good practice to reference the Metadata so that you can easily display the images belonging to the item. I have used the ID of the “main” list in a field called IDRef, however you can use whatever common value exists.

Note that you need to include the extension (.jpg) in the file name. You can do this in the Flow name as above or add it at the end of the third box below.

to summarise the process above
  1. The SharePoint Create File action selected and the Site and Folder chosen
  2. Ask in Power Apps chosen for both the File Name and File Content
  3. Delete the File Content reference and replace with the Expression shown
  4. Next step - SharePoint Update File Properties with Site and Library chosen
  5. Select the ItemId from the Create File step above as the Id
  6. Choose Ask in Power Apps for the reference to the main list you have used

Sending Uploaded Photo or Pen Input

The only difference to this if you want to send either an Uploaded Image or a Pen Input is instead of


 you need to refer to the Image control as


Add as Attachment

Next, if you want to add the file as an Attachment to the current item in Power Apps, this can be done in a Flow as below. 

NOTE - this is essentially the same Power Apps code as the Library above - you will have the same three parameters here (they may be in a different order), but one (the ID) is used differently in the Flow. The file creation is OneDrive for Business.

Summarizing this process: -
  1. Choose OneDrive for Business - Create File and select Root directory
  2. Add a name of your choice to the File Name
  3. Select Ask in Power Apps for the File Content, then delete the item and replace with the Expression shown below (as shown above)
  4. Next Step - OneDrive for Business - Get file content using path and choose the Path of the Create File action above.
  5. Next Step - SharePoint - Add Attachment and choose the Site and List name
  6. Use Ask in Power Apps for both the Id and File Name
  7. Use the File content of the OneDrive item above it.
  8. Choose OneDrive for Business - Delete File and tidy up by deleting the OneDrive file.

Save as Multi-Line Text Field

Here, the JSON conversion needs to be a little different as the header is required to view the image in Power Apps, but the quotes at beginning and end are not. Using a Patch syntax, you would write the Base64 Text to a Multi-line Text field (NOTE – it must be Plain Text) with this: -

      {ID: YourGalleryName.Selected.ID},
      {YourMLTextField: vJSON}

Again, this is for the camera photo and the uploaded image and pen input can be referenced as noted above.

Viewing the images

SharePoint Library

Starting with a Gallery and assuming that it is based on the Library, or a collection formed from the Library and filtered to show the required images, there are two main ways of referencing an image in an Image control in the gallery. Firstly, if this is only used on a PC, this can be used.

ThisItem.'Link to item'

However, this will not display on mobile device apps due to the way that Power Apps resolves URLs anonymously. The following however works in both browser and app environments and generally resolves quicker.


Small and Medium are also available and are valid for images in Galleries or contained inside a card in a form.

Another variation on this – If displayed in a stand-alone image control to show a larger image of the Library item selected in the gallery.


Attachments to SharePoint List

A gallery can be formed to display any Item Attachment images  – if the item is selected from a “main” gallery, the Items would be


Image property of the Image control in the gallery is then


If you want the First (you can also use Last) Attachment of a record that is selected in a Gallery


To show the First Attachment on a Custom Card within a form (good for item photos)


Multi-Line Text Fields

Finally, to Multi-Line text fields. As these are part of the SharePoint list, the field name needs to be referenced and this will always be (whether in a gallery or a form) an Image control will simply be



This summary is at a higher level assuming some existing Power Apps and Power Automate code knowledge, however it hopefully contains enough information to make your Power Apps image journey easier.


  1. Hi Warren,

    Thank you for posting this. I am not experiencing with the integration between canvas apps and Power Automate (Flows). Can you please explain where you add the code to convert the image to Base64? I have a "Save" button in the Canvas App and I believe this code, along with the run of the flow would go there but I am not sure.

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Bogdan,
      You would normally put it on a button/icon to create the image in the Library (I assume this is what you want to use).

  2. Hi again Warren,

    I am using your logic to store the images in the library, display them when selecting an existing record and adding them also as an attachment to the record in the sharepoint list. The one thing I'm not able to figure out is when I attach the image to the record it is being stored as binary file. Is there a way to revert the image to its original format when saving it as an attachment to the record?

    I am trying to display the attachment in a form when selecting the existing record so that the user can also download the image in a viewable format.

    I am not experienced with the technical aspects of your method so any advice would be appreciated!

    Thank you,

    1. An Image is Binary format - have you added the extension to the file name (.jpg)? I have re-tested the code posted above and the attachment is certainly valid for both download and viewing.

  3. Hi Warren, can I ask for a clarification on this: if I have SH list with column of Image type called PictureCol, and then in PA gallery would like to display all images from the SH list, normally I would use ThisItem.PictureCol in Image control of the gallery. But that won't work on mobile. So the workaround would be ....? (I cant get ThisItem.'{Thumbnail}'.Large to work for me). Appreciate your advice. Jakub

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      As far as I am aware, the new SharePoint Image column type is yet to be supported in Power Apps. I have just checked on a test list of mine and still cannot "see" the field in any way. The '{Thumbnail}' solution refers to Library items where the URL will not resolve on mobile devices due to the anonymous access.

  4. Great article Warren! Converting the image into a binary format for storage works for me as well. However, my Power App will be storing hundreds or maybe thousand of images and once enough get uploaded, it overwhelms the browser and it might take 2-3 minutes to load (assuming this is a browser memory issue). Is the binary format something that will work for me if I limit the user to upload one image no greater than 20K? Below is the Patch formula I am using. No one has mentioned the browser not loading issue I have encountered. I am using the new Edge browser.

    // Image is multi-line text col type in a SP LIST
    Patch( ShoutoutsData, Defaults( ShoutoutsData ), {
    Title: Value(Text(Now(), "[$-en-US]yyyymmddhhmmss")),
    PrimaryID: Value(Text(Now(), "[$-en-US]yyyymmddhhmmss")),
    ShoutoutType: _selectedShoutout.Type,
    RecipientName: _selectedUser.DisplayName,
    RecipientEmail: _selectedUser.UserPrincipalName,
    Image: Substitute(JSON(UploadedImage1.Image,JSONFormat.IncludeBinaryData),"""",""),
    Message: MessageInputBox.Text
    } ),

  5. Interesting problem, but I am wondering what you are trying to resolve in the browser view that loads all the data.

  6. Great blog post. Another addition to my Power Apps Knowledge Base. Thanks Warren!

  7. Hello. First, I would like to thank you for the post.
    I have followed it to upload a picture from the AddPicture control to a SP library, but my flow is failing with the following error:

    Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Create_file' inputs at line '1' and column '7838': 'The template language function 'base64ToBinary' was invoked with a parameter that is not valid. The value cannot be decoded from base64 representation.'.

    I just skipped the ID part since it wasn't showing for me on Flow like your example. I excluded the ID part from the Flow Run as well.
    Could you please help me with this error?


  8. Anonymous,
    Can you please post this on the forum and include the code you have used in the steps in Power Apps and include a screenshot of the Flow.


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